Figure 8
Egg production and percentage of fertilized eggs in wild-type and ctns−/−zebrafish. (A) Egg production was measured as a total number of eggs in wild type and ctns−/−zebrafish 18-month-old zebrafish. The egg production rate is 1.941 high in wild-type zebrafish compared with ctns−/−18-month-old zebrafish (rate ratio = 1.941); 95% CI (lower bound = 1.165, higher bound = 3.234); Poisson regression analysis; p = 0.011. (B) The percentage of fertilized eggs was measured on the total number of eggs. The odds of the fertilized eggs are 3.504 high in wild-type zebrafish compared with ctns−/−18-months-old zebrafish (odds ratio = 3.504); 95% CI (lower bound = 2.005, higher bound = 6.124); Logistic regression analysis; p < 0.001; n/a: not applicable.