Figure 10
Reproductive behavior analyses in wild-type control fish and tshba, tg, and slc16a2 mutant zebrafish. (A,B) Mating behavior exhibited by wild-type female zebrafish towards the mutant male fish. Frequency (A) and duration (B) of intimate contacts are shown. (C,D) Mating behavior exhibited by wild-type male zebrafish toward the mutant female fish. Frequency (C) and duration (D) of intimate contacts are shown. Measurements were taken from wild-type control males (4 and 8 mpf) and females (4 and 8 mpf), tg mutant males (4 mpf) and females (4 mpf), slc16a2 mutant males (4 mpf) and females (4 mpf), and tshba mutant males (8 mpf) and females (8 mpf). n = 3 per group. a–b, different superscripts in the same column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).