Figure 1

Figures for Lencer et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 1

Single-cell RNA analysis identifies transcriptionally heterogeneous sox10:eGFP population.

(A) Schematic of zebrafish trunk neural crest cell (tNCC) migration. Medial route migrating tNCCs produce peripheral nervous system and pigment cells, while tNCCs migrating along the dorsal-lateral path produce pigment cells. (B) Schematic of experimental design. NCCs were sampled by dissecting the trunks of 80 sox10:eGFP+ zebrafish at 24 hr post fertilization. GFP+ NCCs were FAC sorted and sequenced using 10X Genomics. Representative image shows sox10:eGFP transgene in a dissected trunk used for cell dissociation. YE: yolk extension. (C) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) and clustering of cells reveals multiple transcriptionally unique sox10:eGFP+ cell clusters. Numbers and labels correspond to main text. (D) Expression of select genes in UMAP space shows variable expression across different clusters. (E) RNA velocity connects cells in developmental pseudotime. Direction and length of arrows represent predicted direction of differentiation as calculated by Velocyto (see Materials and methods). Note cells predicted to be differentiating from tNCC progenitor cluster one into xanthoblast cluster 3. (F) Heatmap shows expression of top 10 most differentially expressed genes (log2Fold) for each cluster.

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