Figure 6

Figures for Zilova et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 6 (a) Scheme of organoid generation from Atoh7::EGFP transgenic fish. (b) Fluorescent images of day 3 Atoh7::EGFP organoids (generated by aggregation of <1000 cells). (c) Optical sections and maximal projections showing EGFP expression in the eye of the developing embryo at 2 dpf and the retinal organoid at day 3 co-stained with antibody against HuC/D and DAPI. (d) Optical sections showing expression of HuC/D (amacrine and ganglion cells), Otx2 (bipolar and photoreceptor cells), and Prox1 (horizontal cells) in day 4 organoid. (e) Sketch of the arrangement of cellular layers in the organoid and the embryonic retina. dpf, days post-fertilization. Scale bar: 100 μm.

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