Fig. 3

Figures for Cunningham et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 <italic>peak5</italic> is active in melanoma tumors across multiple stable lines and in melanoma precursor lesions.

a, b Bright-field images of tumors, circled, in Tg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line A in the Tg(BRAFV600E);p53−/− zebrafish background. a′, b′ Tumors are EGFP positive and EGFP is highly expressed in tumors compared to any low EGFP expression elsewhere in the fish. c, d Bright-field images of Tg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line B with tumors, circled. c′, d′ Tumors are EGFP positive. e, f Bright-field images of Tg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line C with tumors, circled. e′, f′ Tumors are EGFP positive. gTg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line A zebrafish with dorsally located melanoma precursor lesion that grows over time. hTg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line B zebrafish with a melanoma precursor lesion in a scale that expands in size over time. iTg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line B zebrafish with precursor lesion located on the tail that grows over time. jTg(peak5:betaglobin:EGFP) stable line C zebrafish with a precursor lesion on the tail that grows into a tumor. Day 0 denotes the first day the precursor lesion was observed.

Figure Data
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