Figure 2

Figures for Okuda et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 2 Tip cells show asymmetric Erk activity immediately following cell division.

(A–I) Still images from Video 1 showing ISV endothelial cells (ECs) in a 24–25 hours post-fertilisation (hpf) EC-EKC embryo at indicated timepoints. The tip daughter cell has higher Erk activity when compared to the stalk daughter cell immediately after cell division. Left panels show fli1aep:EKC expression, middle panels show fli1a:H2B-mCherry expression, and right panels show the nuclear fli1aep:EKC intensity. The fli1a:H2B-mCherry signal was used to mask the nucleus. The yellow arrow indicates a tip ISV EC with cytoplasmic fli1a:H2B-mCherry expression. The light blue arrow indicates a tip ISV EC that has undergone cytokinesis. (J,K) Quantification of tip/stalk nuclear EKC intensity of daughter ECs post-cytokinesis (14 EC division events, n = 14 embryos). Graph (J) shows quantification of individual biological replicates and graph (K) shows the average of all biological replicates. ISV: intersegmental vessel; DA: dorsal aorta. Error bars represent standard deviation. Scale bar: 25 μm.

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