Figure 5

Figures for Carver et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 5

Strong Adamts9 expression in F2 transgenic (Tg(adamts9:GFP) zebrafish embryos. The expression of Adamts9 was determined by EGFP expression driven by adamts9 promoters located in a 4.5 kb upstream sequence of adamts9 start codon. Same conditions were used for imaging embryos under the EGFP, red (for monitoring autofluorescence), and transmit light (T-PMT) channels. Picture (A) is z-stack confocal images of a representative F2 transgenic embryo at 10 h post fertilization (hpf) from GFP channel; Picture B is a wildtype control embryo imaged under same condition. Pictures (C) or (D) are corresponding images of same embryo from pictures A or B using T-PMT channel. Pictures (E,F) are confocal z-stack images of a representative F2 transgenic embryo at 48 hpf, while pictures (G,H) are confocal z-stack images of a wildtype embryo at 48 hpf. Pictures (E,G) are merged confocal z-stack images from all three channels, while pictures (F,H) were confocal z-stack images from red channel to show background. Scale bar: 100 μm (AD), 400 μm (EH).

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