Figures for Imai et al., 2021
Figure Caption


Sexual phenotypes of sycp1 mutant zebrafish. (A) Sexual phenotypes of offspring from sycp1 +/isa incrosses. Proportions of offspring with testes (males) and ovaries (females) are shown for each genotype. The results of two incross matings were pooled and shown. (B) HE-stained sections of juvenile sycp1+/+ and sycp1isa/isa gonads. Representative images of sycp1+/+ (i and ii) and sycp1isa/isa (iii and iv) gonads with primary oocytes (i to iii) or spermatocysts (iv) are shown. Their body size (mm) and age (dpf: days post fertilization) are indicated below. Scale bars: 20 μm. (C) Phenotypes of juvenile sycp1+/+ and sycp1isa/isa gonads. Phenotypes of gonads from 24 to 45 dpf of sycp1+/+ and sycp1isa/isa fish were examined by HE staining and categorized into gonads with oocytes (red dots), gonads with spermatocysts (blue dots) and N.D. (not determined: open circle) and were plotted by their body size. Pooled results of siblings from two crosses are shown. Representative images are shown in Figure 2B. Histological images of all analyzed samples are shown in Supplementary Figure 3.

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