Figure 6

Figures for Li et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 6

Pcgf1 regulated neural induction through an epigenetic mechanism in addition to signaling pathways. (A) Histogram and volcano plots represented differentially expressed genes in wild type and Pcgf1-KD P19 cells. The red color indicates upregulated genes, and the blue color indicates downregulated genes if they had a log2 fold change of >1 or < −1, respectively. The differentially expressed gene number was indicated at right. (B) A heat map of genes with more than 2-fold expression differences in wild-type and Pcgf1-KD P19 cells. Red indicates a high expression, and blue indicates a low expression. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of biological functions of deregulated genes in Pcgf1-KD P19 cells. (D) GO analysis of signaling pathways of deregulated genes in Pcgf1-KD P19 cells. (E) Fold changes of the expression levels of pluripotent markers (nanog and pou5f1) and histone demethylase (kdm5a, kdm5d, and kdm7a) in RNA-seq results.

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