Fig. 8

Figures for Das et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 8 Fig. 8. Proposed model for the rapid cortisol action on [(Ca2+)i] in the developing trunk muscle (DTM) of zebrafish. We propose that cortisol-mediated rapid rise in [(Ca2+)i] occur via two pathways: i) A direct effect of cortisol by binding to the CRAC channel and modulating the pore (Orai-1) opening to allow extracellular Ca2+ (eCa2+) entry causing the rapid intracellular Ca2+ (iCa2+) rise, and ii) an indirect effect of cortisol that may include the activation of a yet unknown membrane GPCR resulting in either the gating of VGCC and/or the activation of PKA/PKC signaling leading to the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The drop in SR Ca2+ stores activates the Ca2+ sensor STIM, which interacts with the CRAC channel to cause eCa2+ entry leading to a rise in [(Ca2+)i] in the DTM. Abbreviations: [(Ca2+)i] – cytosolic free calcium levels, CRAC- calcium release-activated Ca2+ channel, VGCC - voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, STIM-stromal interaction molecule, PKA-protein kinase A, PKC – protein kinase C, GPCR-G protein-coupled receptor.

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Reprinted from Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 520, Das, C., Faught, E., Vijayan, M.M., Cortisol rapidly stimulates calcium waves in the developing trunk muscle of zebrafish, 111067, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell. Endocrinol.