Figure Caption

Figure 3 - figure supplement 1 <italic>lrp2a</italic> KD and CRISPR causes reduced contractility and bradycardia in zebrafish larva.

(A) Uninjected zebrafish larva, (B) lrp2a morpholinos (MO) (1 pl of 2 ng/µl) injected larva and (C) lrp2a CRISPR genome edited F0 larva all exhibit relatively normal body morphology at 72 hpf, note the pericardial edema evident in morphant and F0 mutant (arrows). Scale bar: 200 µm. (D) End-diastolic surface area and (E) End Systolic surface area in atria and ventricles determined from high-speed movies of beating hearts at 72 hpf. (F) Contractility, measured as fractional area change, was significantly reduced in ventricles from both morphants and mutants. (G) Heart period was significantly lengthened in morphants and mutant larvae. (D–G) Two doses of lrp2a MO were injected (1 pl of 1 ng/µl or 2 ng/µl). For CRISPR/Cas9 and guide RNA concentration, please see detailed information in the Materials and Methods section. One-way ANOVA, Dunnett’s multiple comparisons post hoc test.

Figure Data
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