Figure Caption

Figure 4—figure supplement 4. <italic>evpl-</italic> and <italic>ppl</italic>-targeting morpholinos disrupt microridge development.

(A) Actin (Lifeact-mRuby) in control morpholino (MO)-, evpl MO-, and ppl MO-injected embryos at 48hpf. These and subsequent black-and-white images were inverted so that high-intensity fluorescence appears black and low-intensity fluorescence is white. (B) Lifeact-GFP-expressing periderm cells in evpl MO-injected embryos, also mosaically expressing Krt5:Evpl-tdTomato. Microridges were rescued by cDNA expression (compare to neighboring control cells lacking tdTomato). (C) Lifeact-mRuby-expressing periderm cells in ppl MO-injected embryos, also mosaically expressing Krt5:Ppl-GFP. Microridges were rescued by cDNA expression (compare to neighboring control cells lacking GFP). Scale bars: 10 µm.

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