Fig. 5 Exogenous FGF beads are sufficient to recruit progenitor cells. A) Stem cells marked by the transgene lhx1a:eGFP are not attracted to BSA soaked agarose beads after 24 h of culture. (B) Beads soaked with Fgf4 are more closely surrounded by renal stem cells, indicated by a decrease in cell to bead distance from an average of 28.8 μm–17.75 μm. (C) Beads soaked with FGF10 strongly attract renal stem cells which accumulate adjacent to the bead at a mean distance of 3.42 μm. (D) Quantification of cell to bead distances after 24 h of culture demonstrate a chemoattractive role of FGF ligands on the recruitment renal stem cells. 3 biological replicates per condition. Error bars indicate ±SD. Comparisons to BSA beads were made by Kruskal-Wallis test. ns indicates not-significant, starred comparison indicates p = 0.008. In Z-projection panels (A–C) scale bar is 25 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 454(1), Gallegos, T.F., Kamei, C.N., Rohly, M., Drummond, I.A., Fibroblast growth factor signaling mediates progenitor cell aggregation and nephron regeneration in the adult zebrafish kidney, 44-51, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.