Fig. 1

Figures for Yan et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 Human Cancers Have Similar Growth Kinetics, Histology, and Rates of Proliferation and Apoptosis when Engrafted into prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− Zebrafish or NSG Mice Human cancers have similar growth kinetics, histology, and rates of proliferation and apoptosis when engrafted into prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− zebrafish or NSG mice. Engraftment of EGFP+ human tumor cells into prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− zebrafish grown at 37°C (A–F) or the same tumors grown in NSG mice for 28 days (G–L). Merged fluorescence and brightfield images of whole zebrafish imaged at 0 and 28 days post transplant (dpt; A) and compared with images of engrafted mice (G, left panels) and excised tumors (G, right panels). Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections (zebrafish, B; mouse, H) and immunohistochemistry for cell lineage markers (zebrafish, C; mouse, I), Ki67 (zebrafish, D; mouse, J) and TUNEL (zebrafish, E; mouse, K) with the average percentage of positive cells ± standard deviation noted (n ≥ 3 animals/tumor type). Quantification of relative tumor growth in engrafted prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− zebrafish (F) and NSG mice (L). Human embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma RD (ERMS RD), alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma Rh41 (ARMS Rh41), melanoma UACC62, and triple-negative breast cancer MDA-MB-231. Scale bars represent 0.25 cm (A); 50 μm (B–E, H–K); and 0.5 cm (G). See also Table S1 and Figure S1.

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Reprinted from Cell, 177(7), Yan, C., Brunson, D.C., Tang, Q., Do, D., Iftimia, N.A., Moore, J.C., Hayes, M.N., Welker, A.M., Garcia, E.G., Dubash, T.D., Hong, X., Drapkin, B.J., Myers, D.T., Phat, S., Volorio, A., Marvin, D.L., Ligorio, M., Dershowitz, L., McCarthy, K.M., Karabacak, M.N., Fletcher, J.A., Sgroi, D.C., Iafrate, J.A., Maheswaran, S., Dyson, N.J., Haber, D.A., Rawls, J.F., Langenau, D.M., Visualizing Engrafted Human Cancer and Therapy Responses in Immunodeficient Zebrafish, 1903-1914.e14, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell