Fig. 4.

Figures for Clark et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 4.

The ATF6 target gene, Bip, is highly expressed with high ATF6 reporter expression, while XBP1 expression does not correlate with caATF6. (A-C) Embryos expressing hsp70:GAL4 and 5XATF6RE:eGFP transgenes that were injected with an mCherry-tagged UAS construct to mosaically overexpress caATF6. 2-dpf embryos were heat shocked and confocal images were captured 12 h later live (A,B) or after fixation and staining (C,D), and mean intensity was quantified. (A) 5XATF6RE:d2GFP expression positively correlates with caATF6-2a-mCherry expression (R2=0.8439, P=0.0005). (B) xbp1δ-gfp expression does not significantly correlate with caATF6-2a-mCherry expression (R2=0.0077, P=0.8099). (C) 12 h post-heat shock, embryos were fixed and stained for Bip (blue) or GFP (green). Bip expression positively correlates with 5XATF6RE:d2GFP expression (R2=0.8899, P<0.0001). (D) 60× representative images showing low versus high cellular expression patterns of Bip and 5XATF6RE:d2GFP. ***P<0.001; ****P<0.0001; Pearson's correlation coefficient. Scale bars: 1 mm (A-C); 0.02 mm (D).

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