Statistics of system-level meta-z-scores and pathway z-scores for the four genetic fish models. (A) Meta-z-scores and (B) heatmap of six KEGG systems of the 30 samples with four models and three diet types in microarray and NGS. WT: blue; HBx(p53-): deep orange; Src(p53-): purple; and HBx,Src(p53-): green. MIC, microarray; NGS, next-generation sequencing. Red and white denote high and low meta-z-scores, respectively. (C) Pathway z-score distributions and trends of microarray and NGS in the four models. For KEGG system, yellow bar: metabolism; light blue bar: genetic information processing; orange bar: environmental information processing; light purple bar: cellular processes; light green bar: organismal systems; cyan blue: human diseases. Red and white denote high and low scores, respectively. For trend column, red and green dots indicate the highest and lowest z-scores, respectively. The number of fish is for microarray and NGS are listed in Table S1, there are 14 samples for microarray, 16 samples for NGS.
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