Figure Caption

Figure 4—figure supplement 3. Rescue of <italic>e-cadherin</italic> (<italic>cdh-1</italic>) morphant phenotype by <italic>e-cadherin</italic> mRNA.

Brightfield image of zebrafish embryos injected with Cdh-1 MO (A), Cdh-1 MO with mCherry tagged e-cad mRNA (B) and just e-cad-mCherry mRNA (C). Insets show a high zoom image of one of the embryos showing its stage; cdh-1 MO embryos are stuck at epiboly (A’), but the cdh-1MO + e-cad mRNA (B’) and e-cad mRNA (C’) embryos cross the epiboly stages. The numbers of embryos from various genotypes at the 70% epiboly stages are quantified in the table (D). Arrow shows the initiation of tail bud formation in (B’, C’).

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