Figure Caption

Figure 3—figure supplement 1 Genetic map of the gene-trap and floxed alleles of the mouse <italic>Vmp1</italic> gene in <italic>Vmp1<sup>gt</sup></italic> mice and <italic>Vmp1<sup>flox</sup></italic> mice, respectively.

(A) Genomic map of the wild-type and gene-trap (gt) alleles of the mouse Vmp1 gene. Black boxes indicate exons 2 to 5 and the lacZ and neo cassettes. Three loxP sites (triangles) and three primers (F1, F2, and R) used for genotyping are shown. SA, splice acceptor site. pA, poly A signal. (B) Genomic map of the wild-type, floxed, and recombined alleles of the mouse Vmp1 gene. Black boxes indicate exons 2 to 5 and neo cassettes. Triangles indicate loxP sites.

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