Figure Caption

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Arterial association of extra-cardiac lymphatic vasculature.

Whole-mount confocal imaging of uncleared (A) and cleared (B-D) adult transgenic zebrafish hearts expressing the pan-endothelial fli1a:GFP (green), lymphatic endothelial marker prox1:Gal4-UAS:RFP (red: A-C) and arterial marker flt1enh:tdTomato (red: D). (A) The association with artery is somewhat continued on the BA where the lymphatic vasculature extends up the aorta (a) towards the facial lymphatic vessels and also branches away from the cardiovascular system at the connection between the aorta and the 4th afferent brachial artery (ba). At this point, lymphatic vessels from the tips of the gill filaments (gf) on the arterial side (C and D, arrowheads) connect to the cardiac lymphatic system along the brachial arteries (B, arrowheads). Scale bars 200 μm (A-B) and 50 μm (C-D).

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