Fig. S2
The LPM specifies within the mesendoderm with a temporal and an anterior-posterior gradient
(a) Schematic of the four regions I-IV defined to study anterior-posterior differences in lineage-labeling of the gut epithelium. Region I is the most rostral and includes the pharynx and the heart; Region II inlcudes the esophagus, the beginning of the swim bladder (pneumatic duct), the liver, and the anterior tip of the pancreas; Region III includes the gut, pancreas, and swim bladder; region IV includes the most caudal part of the gut and is recognizable by the yolk extension. (b) Transverse sections of the gut of 3 dpf drl:creERT2;hsp70l:Switch embryos. Columns represent the region and rows represent the stage of 4- OHT induction. (C) For each section, the switching efficiency in the gut epithelium was classified into 0%, between 0-33%, between 33-66% or between 66- 100%. The Y-axis represents the fraction number of embryos. Indicated n-numbers represent the number of embryos analyzed. Embryos were collected in three independent experiments. Scale bar 25 μm.