Fig. S2
foxc1b:EGFP mRNA overlaps with acta2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. A-C) 2 dpf images and D-L) 4 dpf images. A) foxc1b mRNA expressing-cells are adjacent to kdrl:EGFP positive endothelium (brown, arrowheads). B) foxc1b mRNA (green) is detected adjacent to kdrl:EGFP antibody stain (red) in the aortic arch arteries. C) foxc1b mRNA is expressed in the ceratohyal. D) foxc1b mRNA expressing-cells are adjacent to the endothelium (arrowheads). E) foxc1b mRNA is in mural cells adjacent to kdrl:EGFP antibody stain (red) in the aortic arch arteries (arrowheads). F) foxc1b mRNA is observed in mural cells adjacent to the ventral aorta (arrowheads). G-L) At 4 dpf, foxc1b mRNA and acta2:EGFP (brown) are co-expressed in mural cells in the aortic arch arteries and brain vessels. Enlargements shown in J, K, and L. H) foxc1b mRNA is co-expressed with acta2:EGFP antibody stain (red) in the aortic arch arteries (arrowheads). I) foxc1b mRNA is co-expressed with acta2:EGFP around the ventral aorta (arrowheads). J) Enlargement of the ventral head in G shows overlap of foxc1b mRNA and acta2:EGFP on the aortic arch arteries (arrow). K) In the brain, there is overlap of foxc1b mRNA and acta2:EGFP (arrows). L) Enlargement of panel K, showing the overlap between foxc1b mRNA and acta2:EGFP, but also that foxc1b mRNA is expressed in smaller vessels distal to the termination point of acta2:EGFP (asterisks). Scale bars in A, D, J represent 20 µm. Scale bars in B, C, E, F, H, I represent 50 µm. Scale bar in G represents 100 µm. AAA = aortic arch arteries, CH = ceratohyal, VA = ventral aorta.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 453(1), Whitesell, T.R., Chrystal, P.W., Ryu, J.R., Munsie, N., Grosse, A., French, C.R., Workentine, M.L., Li, R., Zhu, L.J., Waskiewicz, A., Lehmann, O.J., Lawson, N.D., Childs, S.J., foxc1 is required for embryonic head vascular smooth muscle differentiation in zebrafish, 34-47, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.