Fig. S1
foxc1b expression is faithfully reported by the foxc1b:EGFP transgenic line in the zebrafish ventral head. A-F) 2 dpf and G-N) 4 dpf images of foxc1b expression in lateral (A-D, G-L) and ventral views (E, F, L-N). A) foxc1b mRNA (purple) is expressed in the aortic arches, jaw, ceratohyal, and periocular mesenchyme of the ventral head of the zebrafish embryo. B) foxc1b mRNA and foxc1b:EGFP transgene expression (brown) overlap (arrows) in the ceratohyal. C) foxc1b:EGFP transgene (green) is strongly expressed in the aortic arches and mesenchyme of the ventral head. D) foxc1b mRNA expression (green) overlaps with foxc1b:EGFP antibody stain (red) in the aortic arch arteries (arrows). E) Strong expression of foxc1b:EGFP in the ventral head including the ceratohyal. F) foxc1b mRNA expression overlaps with foxc1b:EGFP antibody stain in the ceratohyal. G) At 4 dpf, foxc1b mRNA is present in the aortic arch arteries, the epibranchial region of the ventral brain, ceratohyal, swim bladder, and intestine. H) foxc1b mRNA and foxc1b:EGFP overlap in cells surrounding the aortic arch arteries. I) foxc1b:EGFP is expressed in aortic arch arteries. J) foxc1b mRNA expression overlaps with foxc1b:EGFP antibody stain in the aortic arch arteries (arrows). K) egfp mRNA and foxc1b:EGFP overlap in cells surrounding the aortic arch arteries (arrows). L) foxc1b:EGFP is expressed around the ventral aorta and ceratohyal. M) foxc1b mRNA expression overlaps with foxc1b:EGFP antibody stain in the ventral aorta (arrows) and ceratohyal. N) egfp mRNA and foxc1b:EGFP overlap in cells surrounding the ventral aorta (arrows) and ceratohyal. Scale bars in A and G represent 200 µm. Scale bars in B and H represent 20 µm. Scale bars in C-F and I-N represent 50 µm. Insets in D, F, J, K, M and N show merged, foxc1b or egfp F-ISH (green), and foxc1b:EGFP (shown in red) antibody stain. AAA = aortic arch arteries, CH = ceratohyal, VA = ventral aorta.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 453(1), Whitesell, T.R., Chrystal, P.W., Ryu, J.R., Munsie, N., Grosse, A., French, C.R., Workentine, M.L., Li, R., Zhu, L.J., Waskiewicz, A., Lehmann, O.J., Lawson, N.D., Childs, S.J., foxc1 is required for embryonic head vascular smooth muscle differentiation in zebrafish, 34-47, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.