Fig 6
(A) At 72 hpt, small populations of RGCs were labeled by DiI and DiD injections into anterior and posterior, or dorsal and ventral quadrants of the left retinas of Tg(isl2b:GFP)that were uninjured or received left optic nerve (ON) transection. The right eye was removed to facilitate analysis. (B-Q) Following optic nerve transection, RGC axons project to both the ‘incorrect’ ipsilateral and contralateral tecta yet maintain the same correct topographic specificity as uninjured RGCs; (B-I) anterior RGCs to posterior tectum and posterior RGCs to anterior tectum (uninjured, n = 22 nerves from 22 larvae; left ON transected, n = 21 nerves from 21 larvae), as well as dorsal RGCs to ventral tectum and ventral RGCs to dorsal tectum (uninjured, n = 23 nerves from 23 larvae; left ON transected, n = 16 nerves from 16 larvae). Dashed lines outline fluorescence from the injected eye. Scale bar = 50 μm.