Fig 5

Figures for Buchan et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig 5

mEmerald signal colocalises with TSA signal.

A) Representative photomicrograph shown as single focal plane of lyz:MPO-mEmerald (Green) larvae fixed at 3 dpf and chemically stained with TSA-Cy5 (Red). Scale bar 10 μm. B) Pseudocoloured (heat) images of Red and Green channels and image of colocalised pixels above threshold. C) Scatter plot of channel 1 (Red) vs. channel 2 (Green) of the image shown in A and B. The regression line is plotted along with the threshold level for channel 1 (vertical line) and channel 2 (horizontal line). D) Pearson's correlation coefficient for the entire image (Rtotal) or for the pixels above thresholds (Rcoloc) of 3 tested field of views. Mean +/- SEM are indicated in red.

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