(A–F) Confocal single-stacks corresponding to the projections shown in Figure 7A–F show (B–B’’’) BRE:d2GFP is activated in the myocardium of ablated hearts at 48 hpt (seven dpf) (n = 21/21), in contrast to (A–A’’’) uninjured controls (n = 0/29). (B’–B’’’) Magnifications of the boxed area in (B) show (B’) co-localization (arrowheads) of BRE:d2GFP and vmhc:mCherry-NTR. However, (D–D’’’) blebbistatin (Blebb) (n = 0/11) or (F–F’’’) DAPT (n = 0/14) treatment inhibits this myocardial BRE:d2GFP injury-induced activation. (A’–F’) merge; (A’’–F’’) Red channel - vmhc:mCherry-NTR; (A’’’–F’’’) Green channel-BRE:d2GFP. V, ventricle; A, atrium. hpt, hours post-MTZ/DMSO treatment.
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