Fig. 5

Figures for Turner et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

slbpty77e mutant cells fail to transition from proliferation to differentiation.

(A,A’) DNA content of 48 hpf wildtype and slbpty77e embryos as assessed by flow cytometry. (B,B’, C,C’) Transverse sections through 48hpf wildtype (B,C) and slbpty77emutant (B’,C’) eyes immunostained with anti-BrdU (B,B’) and anti-pH3 antibodies (C,C’). (D,D’) Series of projections of confocal images extracted from live time-lapse movies of tg(EF1α:mAG-zGem(1/100))rw0410htg(EF1αmKO2-zCdt(1/90))rw0405b transgenic wildtype (D) and slbpty77e mutant (D’) embryos showing cell cycle progression in cells of the forming somites. Green cells are proliferative (S, G2, M) whereas red cells are differentiating somite cells. Scale bar: (B-C’) 50μm; (D-D’) 300μm.

Figure Data
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