Fig. S4
Craniofacial defects in bcl9 and pygo1/2 mutants.
(A-F) Alcian blue staining of the pharyngeal cartilage of 5 dpf wildtype, bcl9Δ29, and double homozygous pygo1Δ5;pygo2Δ1 embryos shown in ventral (A,C,E) and lateral (B,D,F) views, anterior to the left. bcl9 and pygo1/2 mutants have severe malformations of the pharyngeal apparatus with fusions defect of the ceratohyal (ch) and ceratobranchial 1 (cb1) arches and miss-shaped Meckel's (m) and palatoquadrate (pq) cartilage. Scale bars, 100 µm. (G-L) SPIM-based brightfield imaging of wildtype-appearing siblings and homozygous pygo1Δ5;pygo2Δ1 embryos. Note absence of swim bladder (sb) and craniofacial defects in double-mutants (G,J). Ventral close-up of cardiac region (square in H,K, enlarged in I,L with red outline depicting the heart), showing abnormal heart looping and smaller bulbus arteriosus region in homozygous mutants. (M) Quantification of phenotypes in four individual pygo1Δ5/wt x pygo2Δ1/wt crosses reveal defects in 7-18% of all embryos. Genotyping of phenotypic embryos revealed phenotype occurrence in homozygous pygo2Δ1 mutants in combination with homozygous or heterozygous pygo1Δ5 mutation. (N-P) MZpygo1Δ5 (N) and homozygous pygo2Δ1 (O) mutants, as well as mutants carrying a homozygous pygo1Δ5 combined with heterozygous pygo2Δ1 alleles (P) are viable and fertile; lateral views, anterior to the left.