Fig. S6
Ectopic expression of the truncated Pcdh17 proteins in the abducens and spinal motor neurons. (Related to Figure 6)
(A) UAS constructs for expression of the full-length and truncated Pcdh17 proteins. (B) Normal (left), misguided (middle, yellow arrows) and defasciculated (right, white arrows) axon projections of mnr2b-ABNs expressing Pcdh17-FL-mRFP1 at 3 dpf. The bars indicate 50 μm in left, middle and 20 μm in right. (C, D) pcdh17-ΔCPT expression does not affect soma topography and axon projection of mnr2b-ABNs at 3 dpf. Numbers of the nerves investigated are shown in the bar (D). The bars indicate 20 μm (left) and 50 μm (right). R, rostral; LL, left lateral, D, dorsal. (E) pcdh17-ΔCP expression causes clumping of somas and axon projection of spinal motor neurons at 3 dpf. The dashed lines indicate the ventral limit of the spinal cord. The bar indicates 100 μm.