Fig. S5
Fig. S5 SU5402 disrupts embryogenesis in hoxb1b mutants. Wildtype (i) and hoxb1b mutant (ii) zebrafish embryos were treated with SU5402 and assayed at various developmental stages by brightfield microscopy (A, B, F, H), or ISH to detect expression of efnb2a/krox20 (C), meis1a/krox20 (D), irx7/krox20 (E) or greb1l/krox20 (G). Note that defects in development are readily detectable in hoxb1b mutants treated with 50uM SU5402 (Aii, Bii), but not in WT embryos treated with SU5402 (Ai, Bi), nor in hoxb1b mutants treated with DEAB (Biii). As a result of these severe developmental defects, hoxb1b mutant embryos treated with SU5402 showed no specific staining for the r4 genes tested. (PDF 853 kb)