Fig. S7
Histological characterization of miR-214 effect in zebrafish. Zebrafish embryos (3 dpf) injected with NC (A and C) or miR-214 mimic (B and D) were embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with the Safranin-O/Fast Green/Mayer’s Haematoxylin staining. In NC embryos, pharyngeal arch cartilage (Pac) (arrow in A and A’) and chondrocytes of the pectoral fins (Pf) (arrow in C and C’) are clearly stained with Safranin-O, but not in miR-214- injected embryos (arrows in B, B’, D and D’). Ac, auditory capsule; Pac, pharyngeal arch cartilage; Oc, otic capsule; Pf, pectoral fin; (‘) indicate magnification of the same section.