Fig. 4
The phenotypes of the il7r−/− mutant.
a-j Phenotypes of WT and il7r−/− embryos at 12 hpf (a and f), 24 hpf (b and g), 48 hpf (c and h) and 72 hpf (d and i). e and j are the magnified images of the heads from d and i, respectively. k Statistical analysis of body length in WT and il7r−/− embryos at 72 hpf. Note that the body length of embryos in the il7r−/− group is shorter than that embryos in the WT group, results are represented as means ± SEM (n = 30), ***P < 0.001. l Statistical analysis of eye size between the two groups. Note that the il7r−/− mutants have smaller eyes, results are represented as means ± SEM (n = 30), **P < 0.01. Dorsal is up, and rostral is left in c, d, e, h, i and j. Scale bar: a-d and f-i, 200 μm; e and j, 100 μm