Fig. 1

Figures for Avci et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Schematic representation of the development of the liver cancer xenograft model in zebrafish ache mutants. (a) Liver cancer cells are grown in culture and characterized for ACHE/BCHE expression and activity. (b) Selected cell lines are harvested and stained with live dye DiO (or DiI for ALU quantification). (c) Embryos from ache heterozygous in-cross are injected with 300 cells into their yolk sac at 2 dpf. (d) At 6 hpi, embryos with positive signal are selected and embryos with signal from outside the injection site are not used. (e) After blind injection, mutant larvae are separated from +/? by a touch-evoked tail response test (tail-test). (f) All larvae are fixed and mounted before tumor size is measured and compared between mutant and wild-type larvae. (g) Alternatively, larvae fixed for ALU based xenograft quantification assay.

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