Figure Caption
Fig. S4
LDN193189 treatment reduces EC cell number in nr2f1a mutants. (A-D) IHC of hearts from myl7:DsRed-NLS WT, nr2f1a mutant, WT LDN-treated, and nr2f1a mutant LDNtreated embryos for Alcama (green) and DsRed (myocardial nuclei – red). Images are frontal views of confocal stacks. Length of ECs (arrowheads). Individual EC cells (asterisks). n ³ 4 examined per condition.
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 434(1), Duong, T.B., Ravisankar, P., Song, Y.C., Gafranek, J.T., Rydeen, A.B., Dohn, T.E., Barske, L.A., Crump, J.G., Waxman, J.S., Nr2f1a balances atrial chamber and atrioventricular canal size via BMP signaling-independent and -dependent mechanisms, 7-14, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.