Fig. 4
Spatial positioning of anterior neuromasts regulates diverse Tmc2b dependence. a Confocal micrographs of MI1 hair cells incubated with 4-Di-2-ASP from tmc2b +/− (left) or tmc2b −/− (right) animals at 6 dpf, viewed under low gain. b Hair cells from a, right, viewed under high gain. c Percentages of MI1 hair cells at different fluorescence intensities (n = 5). d Images and e percentages of hair cells at different fluorescence intensities from IO4 neuromasts (n = 5). f Percentages of hair cells of ALL neuromasts that take up 4-Di-2-ASP. ****One-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak’s multiple comparisons test P < 0.0001. n values (het/homo): IO4 = 6/4, MI1 = 7/5, M2 = 5/3, O1 = 5/2, O2 = 5/4, OP1 = 5/3, MI2 = 5/5. g Mean whole-neuromasts normalized fluorescence intensity ratios, I tmc2b −/−/ (I tmc2b +/+, I tmc2b +/−). n values ≥ 5. Scale bar = 6 µm