Fig. S8

Figures for Sawamiphak et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. S8

Unaltered cardiomyocyte adhesion and morphology in jam3b mutants. A, In situ hybridization detected the expression of jam3b (red) in cardiomyocytes, labeled by myl7:H2B-GFP expression (green nuclei). B, Expression levels of the tight junctionassociated protein ZO-1 at the plasma membrane of jam3b-/- hearts were comparable to those of control animals (jam3b+/? = jam3b+/+ or jam3b+/-). 3 dpf animals from jam3b+/-;Tg(ubb:NATC) X jam3b+/- crosses were processed for whole mount immunostaining for ZO-1 (green) and GFP (detecting membrane Cerulean, blue). DAPI labeled nuclei are shown in red. C, Quantification of ZO-1 expression levels based on integrated intensity of the ZO-1 signals per plasma membrane area of individual cardiac ventricle. D, Jam3b deficiency does not appear to affect tight junction formation in epithelial or endothelial tissues. Expression and localization of ZO-1 (green), detected at 3 dpf by immunofluorescence, in jam3b-/- larvae appear identical to those in control jam3+/? siblings. DAPI staining (red) shows that skeletal myocytes are mononucleated in jam3b-/- fish, while they are mutinucleated in jam3b+/? siblings. E-G, Jam3b deficient animals show unaltered cardiomyocyte morphology. E, 5 dpf larvae from jam3+/-;Tg(ubb:NATC) X jam3+/-;Tg(myl7:nuDsRed2) crosses were immunostained to detect membrane Cerulean (green) and nuclear DsRed2 (red) expression. F, G, Graphs showing that cardiomyocyte volume (F) and surface area (G) were not altered in jam3b-/- larvae. Bars and error bars in C, F, and G represent means±SEM. n.s. not significant. Images are maximum or average intensity projections of 4 (A, B, and E), and 20 (D) μm thick confocal stacks shown in lateral views. 6-12 (A), 4 (B and C), 6-8 (D) larvae and 44 (F) or 49 (G) cardiomyocytes were examined.

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