Fig. S10
Validating the genotype of MZvrtn embryos. (A-D) Analysis by ISH of maternal and zygotic vrtn transcripts in WT and MZvrtn embryos at 4- to 8-cell (lateral view) and shield (animal pole view) stages. (E) Analysis by qRT-PCR shows the non-sense mediated decay of vrtn mutant mRNAs in MZvrtn embryos. The value of vrtn transcripts in 4-cell stage WT embryos is set as 1, and the expression level is calculated as the ratio between vrtn and ß-actin. Bars represent the mean values ± s.d. from three independent experiments. (F) Genotyping of 4 MZvrtn embryos (MZ1 to MZ4) at 24 hpf, using a WT-specific PCR primer. A WT embryo is used as a positive control. The input genomic DNA serves as a loading control.