Fig. 3
eve1 is not expressed in zebrafish spinal cord in WT or evx1;evx2 double mutant embryos. Lateral views of in situ hybridization for eve1 in 4-somite (a), 8-somite (b), 12-somite (c), 16-somite (d) and 24 h (e & f) embryos. a-e WT; (f) evx1;evx2 double mutant. Anterior is left and dorsal up. Expression is seen in the tail bud region but not the spinal cord. Embryos in (e & f) were over-stained to check that there was no weak expression in the spinal cord. The only specific staining seen was at the end of the tail (inset in right bottom corner). The rest is background staining from over-staining. Scale bar: 100 μm