Fig. 4
Registration of transgenic lines illustrates expression in distinct neuronal subpopulations. (a) Dorsal view on a reference brain showing the expression of selected, co-registered Gal4 lines. (b,c) Z-projection of confocal stacks showing the expression pattern of chat:Gal4, gad1b:Gal4, sst3:Gal4 and galn:Gal4 or cxcr4b:Gal4, respectively, in the deep fore-/midbrain (b), and in the hindbrain (c). (d–f) Single confocal slices of chat:Gal4, gad1b:Gal4, and cxcr4b:Gal4 expression in the hindbrain, in dorsal (d), lateral (e) and cross-sectional view (f). Dashed lines indicate plane positions. Scale bar, 100 µm in (a) and 50 µm in (b–f).