Fig. S7
Mmp9 inhibition does not impact HSPC localization in cxcl12a heterozygous mutants.
Related to Figure 7.
A) Exposure of wild-type (WT) sibling controls to MMP9-I (5μM, 12-72 hpf) increased cmyb expression in the CHT at 72 hpf; in contrast, while heterozygous loss of cxcl12a in cxcl12at30516/t30516 (cxcl12a+/-) embryos had no impact on cmyb expression alone, it antagonized the effect of Mmp9 inhibition (n≥20/condition).
B) Qualitative phenotypic distribution of control and MMP9-I treated WT and cxcl12a+/- siblings from S7A scored with high/medium/low cmyb expression at 72 hpf (n≥20/condition).
Scale bars: 100μm.