Fig. 9
Colocalization of DA and 5-HT in the PVO cells of zebrafish. Frontal sections of the anterior PVO (PVOa) in adult zebrafish demonstrate that CSF-c cells are immunoreactive to DA (magenta; a, d) and to 5-HT (green; b, e). The areas in dashed rectangles in (a), (b), and (c) are shown at higher magnification (Z-projection = 5 µm) in (d), (e), and (f) respectively. Both monoamines were observed in a few cell bodies (arrow in f) and endfeet (arrowhead in f). In teleosts, some of the DA+ CSF-c cells (g) are also immunoreactive for TH (h; orange). Higher magnification images of the PVO are shown in (i–l). In CSF-c cells, intense DA immunoreactivity is present in the cell soma (j; arrows), processes, and the endfeet contacting the ventricle (k; arrowheads). In contrast, intense TH immunoreactivity is mostly observed in the soma and processes (l; arrows), but not in the endfeet. D = dorsal; L = lateral; v = ventricle. Scale bar = 50 µm in (a) (applies to a, b, c); 200 µm in (g) (applies to g, h); 100 µm in (i) (applies to i, j, k, l)