Fig. S11
Intron-retaining transcripts are located in both nucleus and cytoplasm. RNAscope in situ hybridization assays showing subcellular localization of intron-retaining transcripts on cryosections of fn10a embryos at 36 hpf. DAPI staining (blue) was used to mark the nucleus. (A-A'', B-B'') odc1, as a positive control of RNAscope, was broadly expressed in both siblings (A-A'') and mutants (B-B''). (C-C'', D-D'') dapB, as a negative control of RNAscope, had no signal in siblings (C') and mutants (D'). (E-E'' to H-H'') The intron-containing probes of ccnb1 and tardbp had higher expression in fn10a mutants (F', H') than in siblings (E', G'). Note that retained introns were found in both nucleus and cytoplasm in fn10a mutants although more were found in the nucleus. Arrows indicate their cytoplasmic locations (F'', H''). Scale bars, 10 μm; n ≥5 for each panel.