Fig. 7

Figures for Zhang et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. 7

Erk Inhibition Cooperates with CBL0137 to Suppress MYCN;Gab2wt Neuroblastoma

(A–F) EGFP-expressing tumors (arrowhead) in the MYCN;Gab2wt transgenic fish treated with vehicle (A and B), CBL0137 alone (C and D), or CBL0137 plus trametinib (E and F) at day 1 or day 15 of treatment. Scale bar, 1 mm.

(G) Differences in tumor volume in animals treated with vehicle, CBL0137, or CBL0137 plus trametinib on day 15 versus day 1, as measured by the size of EGFP-positive tumor masses using ImageJ software. Mean values (horizontal bars) were compared by Welch t test (two-tailed).

(H) Histopathologic and immunohistochemical analyses of MYCN;Gab2wt tumors treated with vehicle or combined CBL0137 and trametinib. Left: H&E-stained sagittal sections. Right: immunohistochemical staining with PCNA antibody. Scale bar, 50 μm.

(I) Immunoblot of lysates from MYCN;Gab2wt tumors treated with vehicle or CBL0137 and trametinib. Total levels of Erk1/2 serve as loading controls.

See also Figures S5 and S6.

Figure Data
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