Fig. S5
Morphological characteristics of zebrafish PSDs
a. Synapses from the cerebellar corpus with morphological characteristics similar to those observed in mammals and other zebrafish brain regions, including flat PSDs. Scale Bar 500nm.
b. Synapses from the cerebellar corpus with presynaptic elements engulfing the postsynaptic terminal and highly curved PSDs. Scale Bar 500nm.
c. Proportion of flat (light grey) and curved (dark grey) PSDs found at the cerebellar corpus of zebrafish brain.
d. Representative images of the two types of PSD found amongst curved ones: type 1 (top image) and type 2 (bottom image).
e. Representation of the three measures taken on cerebellar synapses: PSD arch length, PSD transversal length and spine longitudinal length.
f. Histogram showing distribution of arch length for curved PSDs.
g. PSD arch length differences between the three types of PSDs found at the cerebellar corpus (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). Type 1 n = 24 PSDs; type 2 n = 40 PSDs; standard n = 10 PSDs.
h. PSD transversal length differences between the two types of curved PSDs found at the cerebellar corpus. Type 1 n = 24 PSDs; type 2 n = 40 PSD.
i. Spine longitudinal length differences between the two types of curved PSDs found at the cerebellar corpus. Type 1 n = 24 spines; type 2 n = 40 spines.
j. Representation of the two measures taken on PSD from all brain regions: length and area.
k. Differences in PSD length between brain regions (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). Optic tectum n = 55 PSDs; Cerebellum type 1 n = 25 PSDs; Olfactory bulb n = 52 PSDs; Cerebellum standard n = 10 PSDs; Telencephalon n = 86 PSDs; Cerebellum type 2 n = 40 PSDs.
l. Differences in PSD area between brain regions (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). Olfactory bulb n = 53 PSDs; Optic tectum n = 53 PSDs; Cerebellum type 1 n = 26 PSDs; Cerebellum standard n = 10 PSDs; Telencephalon n = 87 PSDs; Cerebellum type 2 n = 37 PSDs.