Fig. 8
Sox10(baz1) retains transcriptional activity at neurog1.
Tg(8.4neurog1:GFP) embryos were injected with expression plasmids encoding variants of Sox10. Embryos were heat-shocked at 7 hpf and fixed at 10 hpf. Expression of the Sox10 variant proteins was detected by immunofluorescent detection of their Myc tags (green) and activation of the neurog1 reporter gene is seen by In situ hybridisation against the gfp mRNA (red). Note how both WT and baz1 proteins activate Tg(8.4neurog1:GFP) reporter expression (A C), whereas m618 does not (B). Apparent non-autonomous activation of gfp after expression of Sox10(baz1) but not Sox10(WT) nor Sox10(m618) was reproducibly seen, but always restricted to cells adjacent to those expressing Sox10(baz1); the mechanism underlying this remains unclear but could be related to differential stability of the various Sox10 proteins.