Fig. 2
Exon-dependent functions of titin in sarcomere assembly in somites. (A) ttn.2xu065, but not ttn.2xu064, exhibits disrupted Z-disk formation in somites at 2 dpf. Shown are whole-mount immunostaining for α-Actinin. The inset is a magnified image showing residual striated structure in ttn.2xu065. (B) ttn.1xu066, but not ttn.1xu067, exhibits sarcomere disarray in somites at 9 dpf. (C) Schematic representation of the ttn.2 cis double mutant ttn.2xu068. Arrows indicate locations of mutations. (D) Immunostaining for α-Actinin in somites at 2 dpf indicates that the Z-disk structure in ttn.2xu065 and ttn.2xu068 mutants is disrupted to the same extent. Scale bars: 20 μm and 8 μm (inset in A).