Fig. 2
Enpp2 modulates nodal-related asymmetry gene expressions, KV formation and ciliogenesis.
Representative images of WISH of the control and enpp2-injected zebrafish embryos at 15–21ss with lefty2 (A) and spaw (C) antisense riboprobes respectively. The midline/notochord is highlighted by ntl expression. The determination of left, bilateral, absence, and right groups was based on the location of lefty2 or spaw expression compared to ntl (midline). The quantification of lefty2 and spaw expression distribution embryos is shown in (B) and (D) respectively. (B) The proportion of lefty2 expression on the left, bilateral, absence and right side are 67.3%, 4.5%, 28.2%, and 0% respectively in the control embryos and 54%, 12.6%, 28.7%, and 4.6% respectively in the enpp2 overexpressed embryos. (D) The proportion of spaw expression on the left, bilateral, absence and right side are 86%, 4%, 8%, and 2% respectively in the control embryos and 61.3%, 21.8%, 12.7%, 4.2% respectively in the enpp2-overexpressed embryos. (E) Representative images of the KV morphology in control- and in enpp2 overexpressing embryos (5–8ss). (F) Quantification KV size in enpp2 overexpressed embryos compared to control. (G) Whole-mount antibody staining of zona occludens 1 (ZO-1) that labels cell junctions and outlines the KV in control enpp2 injected embryos. (H) Representative confocal Z-stack images of cilia in the KV, marked with arl13b GFP, highlighting cilia morphology and distribution in control- and enpp2 overexpressing embryos at 5–8ss. (I) Quantification of the cilia length between control- and enpp2 overexpressing embryos. The sample size (n) is stated as numerical value above each bar. Data are mean ± SEM Statistical analysis was established by t-test; ***P < 0.001. n indicated above bars. White circles highlight the KV lumen. (J) Enpp2 overexpression altered the expression pattern of foxj1, a master regulator of ciliogenesis, observed at 90% epiboly embryo.