Fig. S9
Eurydendroid cells are largely unaffected by PC apoptosis. Double transgenic PC-ATTACTM larvae crossed into Tg(olig2:egfp) background were subjected at 4dpf to 4OHT treatment to examine the effect of Purkinje cell ablation on olig2:egfp expressing green fluorescent eurydendroid cells. (A) CLSM image of right cerebellar hemisphere of 4dpf larva showed intact FyntagRFP-expressing Purkinje cells (red) and eurydendroid cell somata (green). (B and C) 4OHT-induced Purkinje cell ablation resulted in the significant reduction of FyntagRFP fluorescence over time (B) at 5dpf directly after the 16hrs of 4OHT-treatment or (C) at 6dpf 24 hours after the 4OHT-treatment was finished, respectively. Green fluorescent eurydendroid cells (ECs) instead were not affected by the Purkinje cell ablation over the whole duration of observation.