Fig. S2
Early TNF-α Response Induction following Mabs infections.
(A) Tg(tnf-α:eGFP-F) embryos were infected into caudal vein with ≈100 Mabs-expressing tdTomato. Microscopy showing the representative expression of tnf-α close to the injection site at 2 hpi. Scale bar, 300 μm. (B-C) Fluorescence microscopy analysis of the GFP expression in Tg(tnf-α:eGFP-F/mpeg1:mCherryF) (B) or Tg(tnf-α:eGFP-F/LysC:DsRed) (C) double transgenic embryos at 1 day following intravenous infection by either ≈100 R- or S-expressing E2-Crimson. (B) Close-up to the tip of the tail revealing that the transcriptomic tnf-α expression is detected in infected macrophages or in macrophages close to the infected tissue. Scale bars, 200 μm. (C) Confocal images of a single Mabs-infected macrophage (yellow arrow) close to the injection site induced a strong tnf-α expression. Neutrophils are indicated with white arrows. Scale bar, 10 μm. (D) tnf-α expression was tested in Tg(tnf-α:GFP-F) zebrafish embryo in absence of macrophages (lipo-clodronate injection). Embryos were infected with Mabs (R variant, ≈100 CFU) in the otic cavity and the proportion of infected embryos with eGFP-positive cells at 2 hpi counted. Graphs represent the mean value of two independent experiments (n = 10).