Fig. S4
Pin1 KO does not increase sensitivity to LPA treatment. Related to Figure 5
Primary Pin1 WT and KO cortical neurons were treated with 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 µM LPA, fixed and triple immunostained with anti-Pin1, β-tubulin and β-actin antibodies, followed by growth cone collapse analysis, revealing a similar percentage of collapsed growth cones in Pin1 WT (A-C) and KO (D-F) DRGs. Red dots - collapsed growth cones; green dots - intact growth cones. Similarly, intensity of Pin1 immunostaining in Pin1 WT DRG growth cones (A-C) is not significantly different compared to Pin1 KO DRGs upon low (B, E) or high (C, F) LPA stimulation and normalization to β-tubulin levels. (Scale bars: 20 µm).