Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Rx3 is required for shh+ AR and anterior/tuberal differentiation. (A-N) Side or ventral views of 55hpf chk sibling or mutant embryos. Asterisks in A′,A′′ show shh+ AR, which is absent in the chk mutant (B′B′′, asterisks). White arrowheads point to otpb+ tuberal/anterior cells (C′,C′′), Group2/3 Th1+ anterior cells (E′,E′′), pomc+ cells (I,I′′), ff1b+ cells (K,K′′), all of which are absent in chk mutants (D′,D′′,F′,F′′,J,J′′,L,L′′,N,N′′), and to fezf1+ progenitors (M,M′′), which are reduced in the chk mutant (N,N′′). Green arrowheads point to expression domains unaffected in chk mutants. Purple arrowheads point to fezf1 domain, upregulated in chk mutants. White and red dotted lines as in Fig. 2. (O,P) Schematics depicting expression patterns; boxed regions show areas shown in high-power views. AH, anterior hypothalamus; oc, optic commissure; PO, preoptic hypothalamus; Tel, telencephalon; TH; tuberal hypothalamus. Scale bars: 50µm.